Customized Minipig Models of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) presents a significant challenge in ophthalmology, affecting millions of individuals worldwide and leading to substantial visual impairment. Minipig is an excellent model for studying AMD due to its anatomical similarities to human retinas. At Ace Therapeutics, we specialize in providing customized minipig models that facilitate in-depth research into both dry and wet forms of AMD.

Minipig Models in AMD Research

Minipigs have gained prominence in preclinical research due to their manageable size, ease of handling, and physiological characteristics that closely resemble those of humans. Their retinal structure shares similarities with humans, including a holangiotic vascular system and a cone-rich central retina. Researches have demonstrated that the ocular dimensions, retinal structure, and vascular organization of minipigs are comparable to human anatomy, making them an excellent model for studying AMD. The similarities in ocular anatomy facilitate the induction of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in minipigs through various methods, including laser-induced and surgical techniques. Besides, studies have demonstrated the utility of sodium iodate (NaIO3) injections to induce selective geographic atrophy in minipig models. By employing varying doses of NaIO3, researchers can create controlled areas of retinal damage, specifically targeting the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and outer nuclear layers while preserving inner retinal structures.

Fig 1. Comparative anatomy of the human eye, murine eye, and porcine eye.Fig. 1. Comparative anatomy of the human (Left column), murine (Middle column), and porcine (Right column) eye. (Jakobsen TS, et al., 2023)

Service Overview

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive services for preclinical AMD research, including surgical techniques for experimental animals. These models are instrumental in evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic interventions, understanding disease mechanisms, and conducting safety assessments.

Explore Ace Therapeutics' Minipig Models of AMD

The minipig models developed by Ace Therapeutics effectively recapitulate the key features of both dry and wet AMD. We use subretinal NaIO3 injection to induce the characteristic lesions of dry AMD in the outer retinal layers. Laser-induced CNV models recapitulate the neovascularization seen in wet AMD, enabling facilitating comprehensive evaluation of therapeutic strategies.

  • Model Development for Dry AMD
    Using NaIO3 to induce selective atrophy of the outer retina is a common approach we use to develop dry AMD models. We inject NaIO3 into the subretinal space at volumes ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 mL using a 23-gauge subretinal cannula. The NaIO3 concentration, typically ranging from 0.01 mg/mL to 1 mg/mL, is carefully adjusted during the procedure to evaluate its effects on the retinal layers.
  • Model Development for Wet AMD
    The wet AMD model construction at Ace Therapeutics focuses on mimicking the development of choroidal neovascularization.

Laser-induced CNV: We utilize laser photocoagulation to generate controlled lesions in the choroid, effectively inducing CNV. Utilizing a laser photocoagulation technique, targeted damage to the Bruch's membrane is created. This method stimulates CNV, closely replicating the pathological processes observed in human wet AMD.

Angiogenic Factor Administration: In conjunction with laser-induced CNV, the administration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can enhance the neovascular response, providing a robust model for evaluating the effects of therapeutic agents aimed at inhibiting this process.

Phenotypic Analysis and Functional Assessment Services

  • Electroretinography (ERG): To assess retinal function and evaluate the impact of interventions on visual responses.
  • Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT): To provide high-resolution images that reveal the integrity of retinal layers, allowing for detailed analysis of atrophy progression.
  • Histological Analysis: To examine retinal sections and identify pathological changes, such as drusen accumulation, RPE atrophy, and photoreceptor degeneration.

Minipig models of AMD are considered invaluable tools for preclinical research due to their anatomical and physiological similarities to the human visual system. Ace Therapeutics leverages extensive knowledge and tailored services to ensure these models accurately reflect the key pathological features of AMD. For more information about our customized minipig models and how we can assist you in your AMD research, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Jakobsen TS, et al. Porcine models of choroidal neovascularization: A systematic review. Exp Eye Res. 2023;234:109590.
For Research Use Only.

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