Cell Death Mechanism Analysis in Stroke

The pathogenesis of stroke is complex and involves multiple related processes. Factors including excitotoxicity, mitochondrial damage pathways, oxidative stress, protein misfolding, and neuroinflammation may be involved individually or in combination. These injuries trigger a series of cell signaling cascades leading to programmed or non-programmed cell death of neurons, such as apoptosis, necrosis, ferroptosis/oxytosis, NETosis. These cell death processes involve several key signaling pathways that can either enhance or inhibit the cell death process. Elucidating the signaling mechanisms of these cell death pathways can help develop new therapies for stroke.

Fig. 1. Signaling mechanisms that target cell death pathways may hold promise for novel therapeutic options for stroke. Fig. 1. Different forms of cell death associated with ischemic stroke. (Salaudeen et al., 2024)

Our Services

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive cell death mechanism analysis services for stroke. Our team of expert biologists and neuroscientists utilize cutting-edge technologies and advanced methods to study the complex process of cell death after stroke. By elucidating the underlying mechanisms, our goal is to help clients identify potential targets and develop new stroke therapeutics.

Autophagy Mechanism Analysis in Stroke

We provide reliable services to study the role of autophagy in stroke, including common signaling pathways and autophagy subtypes. In addition, we can help you develop new effective ischemic stroke therapeutic targets and drugs by regulating autophagy. We can analyze the targets of various signaling pathways that play a role in the regulation of autophagy formation, including:

  • mTOR-related Signaling Pathways
  • Beclin 1/Bcl-2 Signaling Pathway

Apoptotic Mechanism Analysis after Cerebral Ischemia

We employ a multifaceted approach to study the mechanisms of apoptosis after cerebral ischemia and discover anti-apoptotic signaling as a potential therapeutic target for stroke. Our approach combines in vitro and in vivo models of ischemic stroke with advanced molecular and cellular techniques to study complex signaling pathways involved in apoptosis, including:

  • Extrinsic Apoptosis Pathway
  • Intrinsic Apoptosis Pathway
  • P53 Apoptotic Pathways
  • Notch Signaling

Analysis of Ferroptosis Pathways in Stroke

Ace Therapeutics provides reliable services to analyze the mechanism of ferroptosis pathways and develop stroke treatment strategies that target ferroptosis. Our team of experts has many years of experience in the field and employs a variety of experimental and computational techniques to help clients deeply investigate and elucidate the mechanisms and pathways that regulate ferroptosis in stroke.

Analysis of Necroptosis Signaling Pathways in Stroke

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive analysis services to help clients study necroptosis signaling pathways in stroke. Leveraging our expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and a collaborative approach, we offer comprehensive research services to help clients identify therapeutic targets for stroke. Our commitment is to provide clients with valuable data that advances their research objectives and supports their therapeutic development efforts.

Ace Therapeutics helps clients identify key players and signaling cascades induced cell death associated with stroke. Through our comprehensive analysis services, multidisciplinary approach, and state-of-the-art facilities, we strive to be your trusted partner. Contact us to move your stroke program forward!

  1. Salaudeen, M. A., et al. (2024). Understanding the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke: the basis of current therapies and opportunity for new ones. Biomolecules, 14(3), 305.
All of our services are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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